Become a Sponsor of the Fellowship Chamber

To become a Fellowship Chamber Sponsor please compete the sponsorship form on the right. If you have any questions please call (916) 412-0278

Partners of the Fellowship Chamber

About Sponsorships

We use these funds for hosting events, finding new members, and paying for the software we use to keep things running.

Partnership Levels

Bronze Silver Gold Founder Angel

Logo in 3 media & event announcements

Company name listing on website for the year

Electronic recognition at all events & 1 minute air time at 3 local events as available

Company name and logo listing on website

1 free entry per each event as requested

Electronic recognition at all events and 1 minute air time at local events as possible

Preferred placement, company name and logo on website

Premium directory listing

Electronic recognition at all events

Logo in media announcements

2 free tickets to events

Featured in all events digital and print

Premiere recognition at all events

Complementary table at regional events

Sponsor speaking opportunities as available

Customized premium placement

Top visibility to new and returning members

Premier recognition at events

Sponsor speaking opportunities as available

Up to 10 tickets at each event as requested

Featured in all media digital and print

Customized recognition and rewards options

$1,000 $2,500 $5,000 $10,000

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